In scenes reminiscent of zombie horror movies, a man emerged from a grave in Brazil waving his hands and arms about.
According to Brazilian media reports, a woman visiting a family grave had the shock of her life when part of a living human body came from a tomb, waving his arms around. The woman was in a cemetery in the suburb of Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Sao Paulo, when she heard faint noises, then noticed the earth moving in a pit nearby.
"I was terrified to see a man who I thought was dead, trying to get out of the grave," the petrified woman told Brazilian media.
He had managed to push his head and hands out and was moving his arms, trying to get out. The woman immediately called emergency services, who found the man still half buried in the plot when they arrived. The rescuers removed the dirt covering the rest of his body and lifted him out.
In these images taken from Brazilian television, the man seems almost lifeless, but is found by an emergency worker to be breathing. He was taken to a local hospital. The identity and health status of the man have not been disclosed.
Reports are that the man was a former employee of the city. The director of the cemetery confirmed that the unidentified man had been buried alive. Police are said to be investigating whether the burial was a mistake or a criminal act.
It is believed the incident took place this past November 1, or All Saints Day — the day in between Halloween and the Day of the Dead.
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