Monday, November 4, 2013

Teen with third-degree burns as car 'melts' during police chase

You see, police had spiked the stolen car's tires with a deflation devise, but the kid continued to speed away on the rims. From Brisbane, Australia:
Around 11.30pm police officers saw the cara and gave chase. They deployed stingers... The rubber disintegrated as the car continued slowly towards Brisbane's southside.

Stingers were deployed again...and took out the driver's side wheels. But the car allegedly continued at speed...

A senior police officer said without the friction of the tires the wheels starting spinning and became so hot the metal melted.

"It was spraying molten metal across the road," he said.

The car came to a stop and an 18-year-old passenger handed himself in. But the senior officer said the [17 year-old] driver tried to evade police and needed to be brought to ground.

The melted metal spattered across the road gave him third degree burns on his chest. He was taken to the PA hospital and remains in police custody.

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