Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Man must apologize to police officer for taking a dump cruiser

Policing: it's a dirty job, but somebody's go to do it: From the Lowell Sun in Massachusetts:
A 66-year-old Nashua man was placed on probation and must write a letter of apology to a state trooper after admitting to driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol on Route 3 in Chelmsford, then left "a present" in the back seat of a State Police cruiser after he was arrested.

In Lowell District Court on Wednesday, Edward Carroll, of 909 St. James Place, admitted to sufficient facts to charges of operating under the influence of drugs, operating under the influence of alcohol, wanton destruction of property, assault and battery on a police officer, and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon...
On Feb. 10 a state trooper stopped Carroll and arrested him for suspicion of driving while under the influence.
Carroll allegedly struggled when he was placed in the rear of the cruiser and allegedly kicked the trooper. The trooper used a baton to strike Carroll in the shin to prevent him from kicking further... 
While in the cruiser's back seat, Carroll allegedly spit in the car and defecated in his pants.As he was removed from the cruiser, Carroll allegedly laughed in the trooper's face and told him he left "a present" in the backseat.

Carroll allegedly continued to be unruly in the station. A company had to be a called in to decontaminate the cruiser and the holding cell.

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